Becoming a working Mum: how to embrace your multidimensional self

Discover the strength in balancing personal interests, family, and career, and find tips to navigate this challenging yet rewarding journey.

You’re a mum and you’re a career woman, and sometimes it’s so difficult to maintain these two conflicting roles that you forget that you’re also a person. Someone with interests, hobbies, and a social life before your little one arrived. It’s a lot to handle!

I feel that although this is acknowledged, it is seldom talked about. Being a working mother challenges your identity in ways you could not have imagined pre-children. In this article, I want to shine a light on the positives of the situation and also offer some tips on how to get through the whirlwind and emerge intact on the other side.

“Strength doesn’t just come from individual achievements but from the resilience and adaptability required to be a mother.”

The New Workplace

As working mothers, our relationship with work transforms. Gone are the days when we could dedicate endless hours to our careers. Now, we must become masters of efficiency and productivity, ensuring our work has an impact even when our time is limited. This doesn’t mean our ambitions have dimmed; rather, we’ve had to learn to adapt and grow within our new settings. Our experience as parents brings a unique value to the workplace, enhancing our ability to manage, empathise, and innovate.

Embracing Transformation

Becoming a mother is, without a doubt, one of the most profound transformations a woman can experience. It’s a journey that has filled my heart with indescribable love and fulfilment, surpassing any personal or professional achievement I could have imagined. But this journey isn’t without its challenges. It introduces us to a new version of ourselves: a woman who must balance her needs with those of her family, who has become both stronger and more vulnerable, and who can no longer work at all hours because she’s taken on the most demanding role of her life.

With the arrival of my children, now aged 3 years and 5 months, I’ve had to navigate this new identity. The independent, free-spirited woman I once was has evolved into someone who understands that strength doesn’t just come from individual achievements but from the resilience and adaptability required to be a mother.

The Unseen Load

Despite the joy and love that motherhood brings, it’s also important to acknowledge the unseen load we carry. Even with a supportive partner sharing the responsibilities, many of us find ourselves managing the lion’s share of household and parenting duties. From the never-ending cycle of laundry and meal preparation to the administrative tasks of managing a household, these “hidden jobs” can be overwhelming. Yet, they are rarely acknowledged in discussions about work-life balance.

The Path Forward

The dream of conquering the world remains alive within me, but I now understand that the journey will look different. It will require more than just grabbing my handbag and stepping out the door; it will require intentionality, determination, and a willingness to embrace my new, multidimensional identity.

“Our experience as parents brings a unique value to the workplace, enhancing our ability to manage, empathise, and innovate.”

I hope you too can recognise this. Here are a few things to remember:

1. Go easy on yourself

It may feel devastating to miss their sports day, or unprofessional to leave the office on time for nursery pick-up, but the person most concerned with this is you. Your child and colleagues are unlikely to see it in the same light. Be kind to yourself and move on.

2. It will get easier

New mums, you’ve just taken on a whole new job as a mother. It takes time to adapt your daily rhythms, realign your mindset, and prioritise; you will get there.

3. You’re not alone

We’re all navigating this complex landscape, trying to find the balance between our professional aspirations and our roles as parents. The fact you’re here, on Emprenddora reading this is proof. We are in this together.

4. Success has many meanings

Your journey is about more than just achieving success in the traditional sense. It’s about growing, adjusting, and learning how to thrive in your new reality.

5. You’re doing a great job

It may not feel like it, but you are more powerful than you imagine. Sometimes getting through a busy week is an achievement in itself.

6. Taking time for yourself is not selfish

If you have the opportunity to relax and recharge, take it! Self-care is crucial if you’re going to do a great job at home and at work.

To my fellow working mums, keep going. Let’s celebrate our growth on this journey and recognise the unique contributions we bring to both our families and our workplaces.

We can do it—not despite being working mothers, but because of it.

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